Thursday, September 15, 2011

Are You Ready, For This To Take a Hold of You?

Nothing gets done during the summer. Scratch that less productive things happen during the which is why it has been roughly two months since I have posted anything. At first I felt awful about this then I realized nobody else made a post so now my conscious feels clean.

Since I posted last not much has happened my sister graduated friends have moved away and I started a weight loss challenge with some co-workers. The most significant of these three things is the one about people moving away since I am now without The Man Child and Leaf now that they are in Regina. I now live in an empty house by myself, well for a few weeks at least and I have learned something important about myself. I cannot live by myself. It just doesn't work at all I lay in bed all day and really lose the will to do anything. I think I need someone around to almost impress/motivate me to not be a total slug. Thankfully this should be ending in the near future however I realize that it will continue to be an issue whenever I move or when my roommate takes more than a 3 day vacation.

Well that's all I have at this moment in time next post I will most likely continue the 30 post song challenge with Post 13 "A Song That is a Guilty Pleasure" hopefully it doesn't take 3 months to get it written

A second recurring problem I have is the separation of David Johnson neurotic guy living in Yorkton and Fox FM's David Johnson. I know some of my colleagues have special twitter/facebook/blogs that are meant for the public to see as well as their own private ones but I am not one of those people I just have a fan page my sister made that I periodically update when I remember it exists. However more and more often listeners are finding me on Facebook and Twitter so I now have a dilemma. Do I add them as a friend despite not knowing them to give myself more exposure or do I delete the request and continue to post things willy nilly regardless of how they would affect listeners perception of me. Twitter on the other hand I have less control over who sees so I have decided to go through and sterilize it and remove all mentions and links to the blog since I really don't easy access to it however if someone is determined enough to find then I feel they should be rewarded in being able to read it and all the revealing stuff contained within seeing as how I am far too lazy to update two Facebook profiles, two Twitter accounts and two blogs especially when I go 3 months without uodating just one from time to time.

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