Friday, June 17, 2011

You Say You Got A Real Solution Well You Know, We'd All lLove To See The Plan

For some reason I thought my next post was supposed to be a band I hate. I spent a few days thinking about which artist I absolutely despise and came up with a definitive answer only to discover this post is actually Day 11 "A Song From Your Favorite Band". This is a much more enjoyable post to write since I can think about nice things not wretched things. To make this easier for myself I am interpreting the title as bands only not artists so that I can come to a decision much faster. At this point in time there are two bands that are more or less tied for being my favorite and only one of them has been featured so far so it's time to say hello to John, Paul, George, and of course Ringo.

If I remember correctly this is the third song I sang in front of an audience. Not by myself of course that would be horribly awkward there was an actual rock band involved.

 O.K. so I'm going to have ask you to bear with me for a second because I'm about to say something that will sound incredibly odd/wrong but don't worry it will all make sense in a few minutes.

We are wasting all our compliments on dead people. Think about it dead people apparently told the best jokes, were the best at (insert activity), did the craziest things, and in general were just the best people ever. I am not going argue whether all these statements are true but how much to you want to bet that when they were alive people said they told bad jokes, wasted all their time doing (insert activity here), did the most idiotic things, and were in general a giant pain in the butt. If you ever have the misfortune of going to a funeral you will hear everyone praise the recently deceased and remark and how much they will be missed. How often do you think the deceased's friends and family gave them these compliments when they were alive? Probably not nearly as often as they should have. 

A few years ago I read Tuesdays With Morrie, by Mitch Albom. It's actually quite a good book and I would suggest it if you're looking for a nice light read. Anyways in Tuesdays With Morrie I first heard about "living funerals" The whole idea behind a living funeral is that funerals are wasted on the dead since they can't hear the nice things being said about them and being a corpse and all it's quite difficult for them to converse with all the friends who have traveled to pay their respects so why not have the funeral shortly before you break on through to the other side? Of course this only works if you know your going to die shortly and in a perfect world there would be no need for a living funeral since everyone would tell you how much they appreciate you and how important you really are to them on a regular basis so that should the unfortunate happen both you and they will have no regrets in that regard. 

Just to clarify nobody I know has died recently this is just on of those things my ADHD filled brain decided to stop on a few days ago and for no reason whatsoever it incubated into a full fledged post/thought. So in conclusion if there is anyone who is important to you be it parents, friends, or partners etc. tell them how great they are I'm sure they would appreciate it and it might just make their day

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