Monday, March 7, 2011

Where Am I Going? Wouldn't You Love To Know.

I like Mondays. Most people don't but for me Monday is my Saturday, this is due to the fact that I work evenings and weekends. Most people don't like it but the way my shifts work out I can still do things after work on Friday and Saturday and sleep it off Sunday afternoons then I have two days where I can more or less do what I want. I can go home to P.A. like I did yesterday or I can stick around Yorkton and do... well I could do nothing but that's not the point. There is only one thing that I don't like about my schedule. Note that I say schedule and not Job because I love my Job. Anyways the problem with my schedule is that from time to time good things happen on Saturdays and they happen far far away from Yorkton. Such as The SYP March Mini happening this weekend. If you wish to ask how I feel about my schedule don't, I have answered that question so many times that soon I am going to start making up answers such as "I don't like working on weekends but if I drink enough I forget I'm at work". Or maybe "I don't even show up I just voice track it a few weeks in advance".

I still love coming back home to P.A. the girl who was living in my bedroom has left so I have my nice water bed back and as earlier stated whenever I come home the liquor cabinet opens up. Sometimes if I am lucky there will be some new and exotic thing that Dad recently found. Yesterday it was a Black and Tan. For those of you who have never had the good fortune to have a Black and Tan or knowing what it is. Simply put it is Ireland's greatest export. To make a Black and Tan you require Guinness and Harp (Irish Ale) you can theoretically use any ale such as Keiths but Irish Ale ads to the legitimacy. You fill a pint glass half full with Harp and then very delicately and slowly poor the Guinness on top of the Ale. If done correctly you should have some nice tan ale sitting in the bottom of your glass and some dark Guinness sitting on top. I have decided it is now my goal to make the perfect Black and Tan. It will take time and practice but if you mess it up you just stir it and now it's an almost as good half and half. So should you come to Yorkton be prepared to be offered the greatest beer beverage there is.

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