Monday, January 31, 2011

Damn The Torpedoes

So my plans to be productive actually worked! I was in work later than I wanted but I got prep done and my show sounded way better! I was able to have more cohesive breaks and some of them were kind of funny. My last break of the day inspired me to create a new game called What Does it Take To Make People Call In. The way this game works is to make people call in because of what I say and not for contests. The goal is not to be offensive, all that would do is get me fired and nobody wants that (I hope). Today I made sure I had a coworker come on with me so that I didn't accidentally become offensive. I will call this coworker Yellow for no reason other than I like the way it sounds. Today the game turned out well I had two people call in. One said I was a complete idiot for saying that people should text and drive to fight peer pressure, The other caller hung up before I could talk to them I am thinking they would have said something similar.

Why are the Kardashians famous? This question is boggling and angering. They have no talent or known skills except being famous. At least Paris Hilton pretended to sing and act and there was only one of her. I am beginning to think the Kardashians are multiplying like some strange mutant that splits into two indecipherable copies every year. Apparently they were on a talk show and claimed they were hard working and their talents were marketing. They are not hard working they party all night. They have no skills in marketing they have skills in dating B-list celebrities recording their sexual antics having one of their cronies release the recordings when they inevitably break up. Then they play the victim and lap up the sympathy and media attention while recording another tape for when everyone gets sick of their last exploit and moves onto real news. If anyone out there can explain peoples fascination with these harpies and can figure out why people watch TV shows centered around their shallow and petty antics please let me know!

Also Bill Gates is on the Daily Show right now. More people should focus on him and his charitable efforts instead of people that are famous for being famous and the world will be a better place!

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