Sunday, January 30, 2011

Will You Bring Me Happiness, Will You Bring Me Sorrow?

What is the protocol for writing a blog when you have nothing that you really want to write about. It's not that I haven't done anything it's just I don't feel like writing about any of it. I didn't originally intend for this to be a rant blog since many people do not enjoy rant's and enough people do it already but over the last  few weeks this one has been building and I have vented it a few times without anyone telling me to fall off a cliff so I will eventually put it in here but not today mainly because I am still half asleep from my nap. Actually I am quite proud of myself since I was able to nap for only 3 hours instead of the usual 7. A 7 hour nap would severely screw me up for tomorrow since I  have to be in by 9 A.M. however I will try to be in by 7:30 or 8 so I can do proper prep. I should have been doing prep this whole time but I am lazy and un-motivated  so I just used my laptop and did it on the fly. I have decided there is no time like the present to apply myself and get the best sounding show I possibly can.

Starting Thursday I will be starting the most important task of my life. On Thursday morning The Man Child is leaving at some ungodly hour to go to Cuba and that means I will be looking after the single most important thing in the whole house and possibly the whole world for a week. I have been tasked with looking after Leaf. For those of you who don't know Leaf she is a 12 year old border collie and she is the closest thing to a child that The Man Child has. This doesn't sound like an overly hard task but there are 3 things that will make this difficult. The first being that Leaf is a mooch hound. It doesn't matter what you have, it if it goes in your mouth she wants. This includes everything from soup to Advil. If your eating something that she can eat and there is a fair amount of it then giving her some is no big deal but when you have something like chocolate that she can't have or if there is just enough for yourself and you can't share with her she looks at you as if your withholding food from a starving Ethiopian. Second if something should happen to Leaf I am dead. If she so much as has a Grey hair that wasn't there when The Man Child left I will have to leave town and change my name. This wouldn't be too bad if she was a young dog however it is entirely possible that I could do nothing wrong and she could become ill. And most importantly Leaf becomes incredibly depressed when The Man Child leaves to go pick up a can of pop. I cannot imagine how she will react to The Man Child leaving for one week. If you hear rumors of me leaving the country and never returning you know what happened. This turned out to be a much longer post than intended. Not bad for not wanting to write anything!

  The David Formerly Known as Johnson

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